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Based on Brad’s research, here is a list of resources that he highly recommends.





  • Charles Graeber, The Breakthrough – Immunotherapy and the Race to Cure Cancer – Published in late 2018, chronicles how researchers discovered new cancer treatments that overcome tricks by cancer to circumvent our immune system. Two appendices are particularly valuable and concise in explaining how immunotherapies work: “The Breakthrough in Brief”, and what’s next: “Types of Immunotherapies Now and Upcoming”.


  • Glenn Sabin, N of 1 – A proponent of integrative health shares his journey to cancer remission with diet, exercise, and meditation, and without the use of surgery, chemo, or radiation.

  • Lorenzo Cohen and Alison Jefferies, Anticancer Living – The head of integrative health at MD Anderson and his wife share the evidence for healthy living to keep cancer at bay in the “mix of six”:

  • Kelly Turner, Radical Remission














  • Surviving Terminal Cancer – (1 hour and 38 minutes – from 2015) – Discusses the efforts of people who have successfully pursued their own (“n of 1”) solutions outside the health system standard of care, especially in the case of death sentences of brain cancer (glioblastoma multiforme). The main theme is that combinations of therapies (“cocktails”) are the key to attacking all the possible targets and pathways a (heterogeneous) cancer might follow, BUT doctors, regulators, and researchers are resistant to trying cocktails (like with HIV) in our current health system and randomized clinical trial process because:


    • They want to try one therapy, using the scientific method, with the standard of care as the base.

    • Drug companies don’t want to combine their drugs. And they aren’t motivated to use “discarded” drugs.

    • Providers face legal liability and malpractice for doing anything “outside the box”, leading to the lowest common denominator treatments for safety. Experimental treatments only come into play after they have exhausted the standard lines of treatment. Patients must wait for cancer to recur before they can get treatments, rather than addressing them in earlier stages.The system of large scale randomized clinical trials is the problem. Personalized medicine runs against finding homogeneous large batches of patients. Testing one-by-one is too expensive and too time consuming. The alternative in these stories to doing nothing is taking a risk with something.

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